Open Mind, Open Spirit, Open Heart

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Using Intuition to Paint

Recently, I read an old Watercolor Highlights magazine that featured a number of artists who paint both intuitively and intelligently. The concept ran true to me. They all begin with a basic idea or plan but are not committed to the outcome. They use the art elements and principles of design to develop their piece one step at a time. So the painting evolves and changes intuitively.

I began the two paintings shown here with color choices and a basic design plan. When the paint dried I began to identify images and added color in areas based on design choices but using my intuition to develop the painting. So the final product surprised me! What fun!

From Luminous Gallery

From Luminous Gallery

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Were I called on to define very briefly the term art, I should call it "the reproduction of what the senses perceive in nature through the veil of the soul." Edgar Allen Poe