Open Mind, Open Spirit, Open Heart

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's a new year with new challenges.

Yesterday I watched the movie Julie and Julia and was intrigued by Julie's cooking blog that recorded her journey through Julia Child's cook book. Could I post my daily creative progress to journal my artistic adventures this year? Maybe. I have lots of exciting beginnings but don't always follow through with my schemes.

Today my challenge was to work on a seagull for my grandson's bedroom. Last week I drew a soaring Jonathan (all seagulls are potential Jonathans) from photos I took last summer on the Oregon coast. I have been putting off beginning the painting although I have blamed it on Christmas festivities. Even though I think that Jonathan SHOULD be soaring beautifully balanced, my favorite photos where very different. So today I drew a cute Jonathan standing on one foot in the waves appearing to me as if he is contemplating his future. And then I drew a second one of Jonathan flying with his wings really stretching to the challenge of flying.

Hmm. Which one will call to me when I get my paints out?

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Were I called on to define very briefly the term art, I should call it "the reproduction of what the senses perceive in nature through the veil of the soul." Edgar Allen Poe